Sunday, February 4, 2007

Post # 3

“War is over”

My dear friends, have we ever thought about what “war” truly means? Have we ever thought about what a “peaceful world” means to the people who might die anytime under gunfire or violence?

Death is another explanation for “war”; tears are the factors behind it.

“An eye for an eye will make us all blind.”
-- Mahatma Gandhi

“So this is Christmas, what have you done?...” John Lennon has described a special Christmas to the listeners. It leads us to a world which is filled with violence, fire, and death. At the beginning of the video, there are pairs of pure eyes were looking at the camera. I was touched even at the beginning of the video, especially with John Lennon’s tone as the background music.

A young boy is sitting in the hospital’s bed; his eyes are filled with fears: not only about what he just went through, also what going to happen in the unknown future. His left hand is clasping his dad’s who still has tears on the face......
An old father is crying without control, his son just died in the fire......
Hundreds of people are running, there is a tank unit behind them......
There are countless dead bodies are still lying on the side of streets. A dad who still has his baby in arm is one of them......
A little boy gives a “peace” sign to the camera when he is in the military truck.....
Two boys are playing in a meadowland which is filled with mines......
A lady is putting a flower at where her husband was died......
This entire video considers to the aspects of the victims during wars. Like what John Lennon sings in the song “another year is over”, the people who posted this video has the goal to tell the audiences “war is over” by saying “another year is over”. Also, by having the aid of Christmas, the most important holiday, to set the topic off.
These are just some episodes in the war, but it also shows us a different side of life. A totally dissimilar underworld than where we live. Like what Mahatma Gandhi said at the end of the video: “An eye for an eye will make us all blind.” We always say “the eye is the mind window”, what the “window” has showed for us is the darkness of the world.
“War” is still a sensitive topic for us. But living in a peace world,little by little, we might already forgot what violence world could be, especially for the young generations like us, “War” is something we haven’t been through. We always complain about how discontented we feel about our lives, such and such, however, we haven’t realized there are some people who don’t even have a place to live, who might die anytime under fire, who might lost their family in a split second, who don’t even know where they will be tomorrow.
My dear friend, please understand how grateful to live in a peaceful world if you are touched by looking at those pure eyes. Also, please pray for them for having a happy Christmas and happy life.

"War Is Over" Happy Christmas --by John Lennon

PS: Watching this video clip on the computer is unlike than watching it on the television. It’s because you have the chance to repeat it over and over. Furthermore, you can have your own decisions about what you want to watch. As well as more freedom than watching the television.

Click here to view the Yutube website for John Lennon- Happy Christmas (War Is Over)

6 comments: said...

Wow, that video was powerful. You did a great job at getting your readers attention in your post. Also, you make some really important points through your post, I think the strongest being the video itself. I really like the point you make of our generation being so unused to the violence of war, because it is true. The majority of my peers like myself have not experienced a fraction of what the people in that video seem to have gone through. Another aspect of the video is that the song talks about Christmas and that usually brings pictures and memories of happiness and joy yet this video shows that to some Christmas is not such a time because of war. Also, I loved your quote, its something to live by. Great job.

Irina said...

Great choice! This video is very touchy and I enjoyed watching it a lot! It's true though, we live our normal peaceful lives without knowing what could happen to us tomorrow. We complain about our lives every day, but those people from the video should be the ones who really complain. Our country is at war but al least the war is not on US territory, for now. Can you only imagine what we all would do if the war would start on US territory? More than half of us would have to join the army and even the ones who wouldn’t, would still fight for life.

Brady Tucker said...

This was a very touching choice for a clip, and I was instantly grabbed. The clips showing the devestating implications of war layed over a classic john lennon track. When most of us think about christmas, we think about our immediate family and what material things will make them happier. This clip does a great job of reminding us of our fellow humans and their struggle for survival. Everyday, people go through immense trials and tribulations around the world. War is a grim reminder of the most autrocious traits of mankind. However, it is good to be reminded every now and then. This video clip did just that. Your post was well thought out and powerful at the same time. I really respect your choosing of a clip with serious social implications.

Jiarui Xie said...

I was really impressed and deeply moved by this video.Thank you for bringing us this vedeo, keep us thinking,thinking about our life.Maybe we can never feel the same way as they do,however,it was not very late to pay attention to it. It remainds me a lot about peace, we do not want war. As you said we can not imagine that our life is unsettled like this. we advocate peace. I do pray for them!

Jiarui Xie said...
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Chad Jordan said...

Me personally am not against war and yes I do belive that an eye for an eye will make us all blind, but how about an life for an eye only one person will be standing then it is easy to say lets have a peaceful world-are you willing to be one of those people starving inorder to make this a more peaceful. Will you be happy and peacful starving improvished and liveing beneath everybody else. Are ou willing to let some body you know that your better than live and you die so there can be peace-you are foing to say no and don't fight it. Our world and lives will never be successful without war and violenc-let the srongest survive. know you can love it or hate it that is just the way it is.