Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sunday, April 8, 2007

the moral of "Absolute"

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If you don’t know “absolute”, you wouldn’t know what the moral behind this ad. Absolute, like one of the most popular alcohol drink in America, it’s famous, fascinating, also the best choice for an alcoholic. But this ad has given us a different meaning of “absolute”. The rhetorical strategy that the ad implements is how to define “how can absolute ends an alcoholic’s life”, by using the shape of absolute drink’s bottle as a hanging rope. The shape of the bottle is also a sign to all the alcoholic who see the ad, telling them drinking alcohol is the way to death. From our comment sense, we know the shape of a hanging rope can never be a shape of an absolute drink bottle. But we all know the rope could end people’s life, this ad is telling the audience that drinking can also end people’s life just like the rope. This ad looks simple enough, however it gives every audience a strong sense of how harmful the alcohol drink can be to ruin your life. The type of appeals the ad employs is pathos. This ad “attempts to put the audience into a particular emotional state so that the audience will be receptive to and ultimately convinced” by the ad’s message. Also, I think this ad has a great connection with another ad.

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It’s also a shape of absolute bottle, but this time it appears at the scene of a crime. The shape of the bottle is the shape of the dead body. I think it has a similar moral like the first one.

Click here to view this Ad.

Calvin Klein- the definition of sexy

Calvin Klein has set sexy as one of their characteristics for underwear products. Usually people think about sexy as showing some private body parts, unlike that, this advertisement has given me a different way to think about for being sexy. In this particular image, everything seems sexy, such as her post, her expression, even her simple white underwear. A dark grey color has set off the atmosphere of its background, as well as comparing with the color of her underwear. (Personally, I always think black & white photos can give audience a stronger impression, also for describing details.)

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The model puts her hand up under her shirt, one finger touches her lips lightly, and her eyes are covered with hair. Although it’s hard to see the expression, however, it still makes her looks sexy in anyways. Gathering all the elements inside of the ad, it has effectively lay stress on the key point—sexy appeal. Furthermore, it is appropriate for being a successful advertisement. The text—“Calvin Klein” has been put at the center of the ad, it looks like a lip stick writing on the mirror. (once again points out a such sexy appeal belongs to “Calvin Klein”) I think there is some kind of connection with Logos, such as the statistics of sexy, the facts of sexy, the definitions of sexy, and how people usually think about sexy.