Sunday, April 1, 2007

Post # 11

Colors of the photograph are forest green, ground brown, dark brown, grey, black, and little bit of white. The forest background has a kind of hazy scene comparing to the three characters in the center, three girls have clear and detailed expressions and motions. Although those expressions and motions are personal, however, there is still a common on each one of them—fear. As three young and inexperienced kids, the fear by the unsure surrounding environment is perfectly logical and reasonable. Also, this is what I realized as a viewer, first time seen this photograph. Furthermore, the three characters are big but also small. They are at the center of the photograph, comparing with how the artist shoots the focal point, they are big, it’s because they are the main point of the photograph; comparing with the forest, three innocent characters are small, it’s because they are unsecured and helpless. The contrast can be the dark color (the forest) with the bright color (their clothing and light beam). From the characters expressions, if you look at them carefully, you even can find some imprints of their personalities. The direction of the light also represents where the fear comes from, also the light has brought up the main point of the photograph,also it has highlighted and set off the characters and core idea of the photograph. The strong scene of the unsecured and helpless feelings, as a powerless and innocent kid has brought up the persuasive statement of this entire photograph. This work doesn’t have many decorations to set off; however, it gives us a strong feeling of curiosity to imagine what is happening to the three girls. Therefore, it makes us to think about ourselves as a human being who is living in a modern world.

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